About Me

Hi, I Am Erika

After writing my parenting books Bonding Over Beauty (2011), The Beauty Recipes (2013), and Coach Parenting (2017), I became a sought-after on-air expert in parenting and lifestyle. I had regular segments on the Today Show, Fox & Friends, Inside Edition, and Hallmark’s Home & Family. This exposure led to valuable partnerships and spokesperson deals with brands, using my expertise to connect authentically with audiences.

In 2024, I embraced a new role as the executive editor of Hamptons Social magazine and took on the exciting challenge of hosting a chef series in New York City, where I interviewed culinary legends such as Jacques Pépin and Eric Ripert. This led to the launch of my podcast, Beyond the Burner.

In my role at Hamptons Social, I use my brand integration skills to secure brand deals and create engaging activations and events. I personally conduct many of my interviews on camera, generating content for the magazine's print, website, and digital platforms. I also create Instagram reels, some of which have gone viral, driving significant ROI for our partner brands. This comprehensive approach has helped make Hamptons Social Magazine the most talked-about luxury magazine out East.

Brands I’ve Worked With

Let’s Tell Your Story

I have helped some of the world’s biggest brands share their message across television, print, podcasts, and social media. I would love to help share yours too!